Our Sustainability

At ECP, we know environmental, social, and corporate governance factors (ESG) affect performance. To protect our clients’ capital, therefore, we’ve always insisted on understanding ESG holistically to gauge investment potential. We also hold our own operations to these standards.


We believe businesses whose operations are damaging to the environment are not sustainable businesses and therefore are not good investment choices. Over the long-term, companies who have such practices will experience lower returns on invested capital and may experience stakeholder backlash and reputational damage resulting in the loss of their social licence to operate.

At ECP, we believe we have a responsibility to ensure our own operations do not pose any detrimental impact on our environment. We take all reasonable steps toward ensuring we work in harmony with our planet.


We believe businesses that do not uphold accepted universal human rights and do not consider all their stakeholders, are unsustainable businesses and a poor investment choice. For any company, ensuring all stakeholders are appreciated and respected are central to a firm being able to achieve above-average economic performance through time.

At ECP, this belief manifests in our own working environment, which is positive, safe, and healthy. We provide our team with flexible working arrangements that allow for a work-life balance that ensures wellbeing and family come first.


We believe businesses that demonstrate inadequate corporate governance will deliver poor investment outcomes. Ensuring operations are fair, respectful and honest, should be a priority and will permeate through the whole organisation. For any company, having strong corporate governance is a prerequisite to deliver on strategic plans and business outcomes.

At ECP, we believe we have a responsibility to ensure our own governance is water-tight and ethical. To deliver this we ensure our business has appropriate risk management and compliance, that our systems and structures provide for superior value creation for our clients, and that we uphold responsible investment practices.

At ECP, we believe sustainable
business is good business.

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